Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rabbid ♥ You

My best impression.
Yes my right eyebag CAN fold.. Woot.

I'm a Rapper

I meant Wrapper with a capital W.

Spent my Monday sorting and wrapping Christmas presents while finishing up the K-drama series Oh! My Lady. The ending... wasn't as fantabulous as I'd expected it to be but it was alright I guess.. At the very least there was Choi Si Won from Super Junior starring as the male lead. 
(These days I'm really INTO K-pop.. so there.)

At this moment let us close our eyes for 4minute until 2AM to pray for Peace in Korea and the World. For those already asleep let's just catch up later at about 2PM. Special exemption applies to audience below 2NE1 years of age but we will not Miss A single individual beyond that age group, you better follow the rules otherwise fear retribution.

May everyone make war, not love ahem, make love, not war.

Yeah so in anticipation of a sarky workload and absolutely-trying life routine the next couple of weeks, I've decided to begin preparing for some upcoming Christmas gift exchange meet-ups. 2 weeks ago I had even planned to hand make Christmas cards for colleagues, friends and loved ones, but regrettably 2 weeks later I found that I had unconsciously splurged my precious 2 weeks on K-drama, dance practice, running practice, a boring holiday and meeting people for F-O-O-D! 
So no cards this year.

Nevertheless, I spent much effort on the aesthetics of the Christmas gifts. To the lucky people who will be receiving these presents and also read my brog entries, Please Open Them With Care and Please Take Time To Savour My Sincerity in wrapping the gifts.

I really really enjoy giving gifts and receiving nice gifts.. Really really must bear in mind to give me really really nice gifts. Sharing is a bridge between your heart and mine.. And her heart and his heart and mine and her heart and her heart and his heart and mine.. 

Hope these little pichas make you a wee bit excited!

Family portrait!

 And of course.. the colourful wrapper for little Vitamin-C, gingerly topped with a Gingerbread Man sticker holding candy cane.

 And then we have one for a Dec baby

Close-up on the details

I'm still lacking some suitable gifts for several sweet persons. But I'll take my time to prepare those because wrapping the above gifts has very nearly rendered me blind. My eyes! My eyes!

Ohmigosh its way past bedtime. How oh how would I be able to adjust my bodyclock to boring work hours.... That is beyond me.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Popiah my Bundle of Joy

Popiah from Wiki:
Popiah (Hokkien: pȯh-piáⁿ) is a Fujian/Chaozhou-style fresh spring roll common in TaiwanSingapore, and Malaysia. Popiah is often eaten in the Fujianprovince of China (usually in Xiamen) and its neighbouring Chaoshan on the Qingming Festival. It is sometimes referred to as runbing (潤餅) or baobing(薄饼) in Mandarin. In the Teochew (Chaozhou) dialect, popiah is pronounced as "Bo-BEE-a",[1] which means "thin wafer" (also in the Hokkien dialect).
Basically you can put anything in the popiah skin, which is made out of wheat flour, roll it up and call it a popiah.

The ones commonly seen over here are made out of soft-boiled turnip filling, beansprouts, lettuce leaves, slices of hard boiled egg, lined with a chilli-prawn paste-garlic-peanut mixture and rolled into a Bundle of Pollie's Joy! Some popiahs contain thinly sliced prawn too.. but with the prawn so thinly sliced, I can't feel it when I chew anyway so prawns are optional.

Today's breakfast..
My popiah came in a packet.

Cross section of the popiah..

Yum yum I love it!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I feel broke

My pocket is broken!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My heart beats for...


Continental by Thorntons

Kinder Happy Hippo by Ferrero

Various flavours by A Lot of Chocolate

And You!!!
Pushypanda, artist's impression

Not forgetting the fact that my heart beats to pump blood to carry oxygen, remove carbon dioxide, carry nutrients and fluids to every single cell in my body.

Maybe my heat beats faster now because of the amount of bad cholesterol I have in my blood stream from the excessive consumption of Thorntons & A Lot of Chocolate.

On this note I bid you good night.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DIY fringe the sequel

I have been informed one time too many that my fringe looks unbalanced.


Well ok, I'm glad that's all sorted out then.

And here is another DIY thing done. By yours truly.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Seriously go away I need to dry my laundry and practice my running, ya.

And it's Monday again! Hiphoppotamus here I come!

Picture for you - See seafood goodness from Nagalot:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wedding Blunders

Goodness me I managed to make a very embarrassing mistake today.

November and December are popular wedding months and I have back-to-back weddings over this weekend. All this wedding excitement is too much for my puny pea of a brain to handle and resultingly I mixed up today's wedding invite!

It was a wedding lunch, not dinner!

The story went that I was happily watching tv and trying to get Pushy to bring me out for lunch, when I decided to check the venue of today's wedding. And it's good I checked because at the time I checked, I was already 40min late for the wedding lunch!

Well I turned up eventually, but was very paranoid that the guests would already be leaving by the time I arrived, so I kept checking with another friend, Merow, who was also invited. Disregarding the specs (I wanted to put on contact lenses), makeup-free face and wrinkled dress, I dashed out of the house and brisk-walked all the way.. Think that was many calories burnt!

Merow was really nice and she kept a portion of each dish for me so I had food to eat when I arrived. But I realised that everyone knew that I mixed up the wedding lunch/dinner thing so I had to explain and repeat myself like 500 times!

Ho hum. 

Sorry for being so uber late, Woonie! But.. Better late than never! 
Wish all the good things that everyone wishes to you!

Excuse me, I space out.

Back home from a close friend's wedding dinner. Bride was fabulous. Groom was... ok bride was fabulous. Anyway the couple really are made for each other! Wishing them all the best..

My eyes are exhausted because I wore my coloured lenses the entire day. My eyes are the kind that grow lethargic from wearing contact lenses so despite the lenses being removed, they are still yawning...

I look desperately in need of sleep in every picture taken today. How do you permanently remove eyebags?

Want to be pretty.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Italian Beauty

I mean the gift I got.. It's a beauty.

It's handcrafted and is supposedly unique in the Whole Wide World... like a url coz each www.xxx.etc has to be unique.

Well it should be unique.... by virtue of being handcrafted. Shaky hands shaky hands will not allow each piece to be made identical.

With that ending Pow-Wow I would like to thank Hoochie for the expensive-looking gift. 
Also I bid each of you goodnight.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Brunchie Munchie Recap

Spent Saturday at Dempsey Hill at Jones', Ben & Jerry's, Far East Plaza with Za & Hooch.

Full of food, fun and friends!

Here's a picha recap!

The usual suspects...

Brunchie to warm the insides!

Followed by coffee - the essence of life - to soothe the soul..

Combination d'ultimate!

Cheesie room

Dessert to follow!

The cute faces... which... failed..

The wrong side tongue.. 

Entertainment on the outside!

And finally for tea time..!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

This tickles me!

I know some people are totally against colouring dogs.. But this picture really tickles me!

Bamboo plants in the background some more!
These dog owners are crazy!


The Grapevine

"If offices had vines I'd be expecting to see grape bunches clinging on the walls."
- kooty 

If China offices had these vines that would make... 
The Grape Wall of China.

Happy 100th entry to me.
Send me an Awfully Chocolate cake with a single candle so I can make a wish and blow it out!

Just let me say to the world what I would be wishing for - 
I wish everyone could be truthful to each other. Unrealistic it may be but a wish, is a wish!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What kind of mind do you find?

What kind of mind do you find
Behind those mocking eyes?

How many dreams broke in screams
As you slowly let him die?

What is the pride that you ride
That makes you grow so bold?

What kind of mind do you find
What kind of mind is that?

Why take a life with a knife
When you can heal with one?

Whom do you blurt this hurt
To him or to your soul?

What type of friends are they all
If they should let you fall?

What kind of mind would you find
What kind of mind is that?

Saddened by mindless hurt inflicted on Man by Man.
No one has the right to do this. No one should be doing this.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hip Hopotamus

Ok first HH lesson today since a very long while. 

Instructor was the same as before, a girl who teaches really well. She looks disheveled today in contrast to her sporty look before. Eyes embodying the aura of insufficient sleep and face break-outs. Teaching HH so tough one?

Still I'm glad to have the same instructor cause she's really detailed in teaching and she doesn't embarrass people who dance like hippos like me (some instructors tend to point out the ugly moves people make to use as bad examples).

Teacher doesn't recognise me, but just as well because I feel embarrassed to tell her I've attended her lessons in the ancient past.

Warm up was the subject of today's class.

Stretching routine was:
- head isolation (damn tough)
- shoulder rolls
- side bends
- forward bends
- leg stretches (she does very power leg stretches)
- chest isolation
- hip isolation
- hand wave (super damn tough, tougher than head isolation)

I was wondering why 'hand wave' and not 'hand roll', since the move looks like any other roll only with hands. But well.. u know.. Handroll...

I prefer california maki.

After the basic isolation that was damn tough, the warm up follows.

Warm up routine was:
- bouncing to beat 
- above move adding side steps
- body rock fore and backwards (isolating from hip and above)
- above move adding alternating bent & straightened knees
- alternating shoulder shrugs
- above move adding side shuffle
- and some other moves i can't recall despite having tried for 5min.

I think the crowd was good, a majority of girls and 2 guys in class without aunty looking people. Everyone looked good in gym wear with the exception of myself who looked like a bumpkin pumpkin. 

Mental notes for next lesson:
- practice head isolation
- practice temaki - handrolls
- if socks no three quarts, if three quarts no socks. dressing properly is only the basic manners to the clothed mankind.

And now... Let there be music!