Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wedding Blunders

Goodness me I managed to make a very embarrassing mistake today.

November and December are popular wedding months and I have back-to-back weddings over this weekend. All this wedding excitement is too much for my puny pea of a brain to handle and resultingly I mixed up today's wedding invite!

It was a wedding lunch, not dinner!

The story went that I was happily watching tv and trying to get Pushy to bring me out for lunch, when I decided to check the venue of today's wedding. And it's good I checked because at the time I checked, I was already 40min late for the wedding lunch!

Well I turned up eventually, but was very paranoid that the guests would already be leaving by the time I arrived, so I kept checking with another friend, Merow, who was also invited. Disregarding the specs (I wanted to put on contact lenses), makeup-free face and wrinkled dress, I dashed out of the house and brisk-walked all the way.. Think that was many calories burnt!

Merow was really nice and she kept a portion of each dish for me so I had food to eat when I arrived. But I realised that everyone knew that I mixed up the wedding lunch/dinner thing so I had to explain and repeat myself like 500 times!

Ho hum. 

Sorry for being so uber late, Woonie! But.. Better late than never! 
Wish all the good things that everyone wishes to you!

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