I am immobilized. Feel paralyzed on my right side.
I've not been hit by some terminal illness, but right now I can imagine how that feels like.
This Household McGuyver had just spent the entire weekend stripping old paint off the living room walls. Every single muskle in my right arm-wrist-fingers and my neck have been stretched to their max and my two feet are swollen from standing on the narrow ladder steps for a consecutive 8 hours. My knuckles.. my joints.. is this what they call arthritis?
AND ALL THIS SUFFERING.. is just the result of part 1 where I strip off the old paint.
I foresee difficulty in clicking my mouse at work with my right hand tomorrow. And no high-heeled shoes for my poor swollen feet.
Gah! I need a weekend extension! And please can it come with a full body massage!
p.s. Za no pictures yet, it's a war zone right now.