Saturday, February 5, 2011

He Shoots but He Doesn't Load

Happy Lunar New Year folks!

It's now the beginning of the third day of the lunar new year, hope everyone is enjoying the rest, relaxation, food and family time.

Prosperous new year everyone! Good health too!

I've had a little quality time with my extended family on Day 1 of the new year too and GooeyGecko wanted to showoff his brand new $1.2k semi-SLR cam so he took lotsa pictures. The thing is, this Gecko guy brings his camera around, shoots lots of things but yet he doesn't load 'em. Also because he brings his cam with him on his late-night outings, I can't even help to load the pictures. This irks me because, I guess you should already know, I.. like.. pictures! Grr..

So an update from the last spring cleaning event. It's still on-going. Hmm yes from where I come from, we spring clean through the lunar new year holidays. This is because no one visits our place, but the main reason is we have more stuffs sitting around than motivation to pack them all up.

Nonetheless, the colour scheme is up. The minimalist concept not really well executed, simply because we have too much stuff. The stuff we have.. usually they are stuff that have lower consumption rate, for example 4 unused multiplug extensions, 6 florescent lamp bulbs, a dozen tiny bulbs used for the smaller lights, half dozen random sized bulbs that seem like they dont fit any light in the house, 2 handsaws, 3 cans of WD-40, brand new bicycle lock, thousands of disposable containers and also thousands of reusable storage containers, again thousands of recyclable bags, dozens of lighters, 6 drawers full of stationery, 4 drawers full of paper, 2 chests full of children toys, 2 fold able tables and 2 other smaller fold able tables, 2 mahjong sets.. so on so forth because I'm getting tired of listing them. And these are just the extra supplies that we don't actively use.

Family of hoarders, that's who we are.


And tomorrow the packing continues!

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