Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Paws-to-Ponder: Managing Conflict @ Work

I can only say that the first step to Managing Conflict at Work, is to understand if the 'Conflict' is really a conflict or if it is something else that seems like a conflict. - i.e. is the conflict in your mind?

Well okay if you insist there IS a conflict, the ensuing point would be to understand what's the issue here leading to the conflict. People do not conflict for the sake of being in a conflict. If conflicts exist there must have been a triggering factor unless people are irrational or otherwise crazy.

If upon scrutiny, irrationality or insanity of others is what you have decided to be the triggering factor then my advice is for you to see a shrink - you are way past beyond the stage of reading my brog entry to find your fix. The bug is in your head you can go fix it first. You may be surprised that there are many more rational people out there than you have already identified. 

If you have decided otherwise then I believe there is still hope yet for you for you have understood that there is no Consequence without Cause. In this case the next piece of key take-away I have is that not everyone has the same mindset. Which is a splendid thing otherwise we will be like robots in I, Robot.

So the next thing that comes to mind is what actions/words can you do to buy the hearts and minds of others?

Money will be nice but not necessary. This works only if you are able to distribute ginormous amounts. You all Tight-Fist ones, this will not do.

Instead you may want to try giving out a little manners and respect - positive externalities available in distributing these two.

Manners to Thank, Apologise, Acknowledge, Listen, Understand.
Respect to give the Benefit-of-Doubt (until at some point this gets betrayed, then we will think of something else), to allow Personal Space, and in general respect that everybody's Time Is Important.

As Mister Liu Bei had demonstrated: 

Respect that everyone has valid reasons in making decisions and behaving as is.
Respect that everyone has the appropriate level of mental capacity to make rational decisions.
Respect that knowledge being shared by others is not trash.
Respect the concept of team work; since no man or woman is an island - and I really mean it is necessary to UNDERSTAND what team work is in the first place.
And, last but not least, Respect PRIVACY!

Goodness gracious me. Any more explicit I'd have to lead your life on your behalf to make things work out for you.

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