Thursday, February 16, 2012

De-Cumber with Cucumber (with restraint)

Whaaat a relief the pain is marginal/bearable/livable now albeit the cavity which persists in the wall of my throat. If I could, I would like to photograph it daily to show you the progress (much like how ladies document their pregnancy) but it would take a circus performer to do that - and I am oh-ho-hoo surely not a circus performer.

All the 'cooling' stuff is working. Most remarkably, Mr Cucumber is doing a meaaaan job healing the abyss in my throat. But all this cooling stuff is also doing meaaaan things to my bowels. Subtly put - I have no meat to my s--t!

I acknowledge I have an improvement point to make my 'subtle' be more subtle.

So if you have to have a take-away point from today's brog material, take this:
Cucumber does wonders for reducing swells but when ingested frequently in large quantities make you.. have no meat to the s--t.

Until we meat again..

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